Industrial Products
- Direct Mail & Commercial Printers
- Facility & Moving Supply
- Dry Cleaners & Laundries
- Food Service
- Gaming, Banking, & Casinos
- Government & Military
- Gift & Novelty
- Health & Beauty
- Live Animal Supply
- Newspapers
- Medical & Pharmaceutical
- Office Supply / Stationery
- Packaging & Printed Products
- Tattoo & Body Piercing
- Produce, Floral, and Grocers
- Thrift Store & Resale Shops
- Seafood & Commercial Fishing
- Textile Manufacturing
- Direct Mail & Commercial Printers
- Facility & Moving Supply
- Dry Cleaners & Laundries
- Food Service
- Gaming, Banking, & Casinos
- Government & Military
- Gift & Novelty
- Health & Beauty
- Live Animal Supply
- Newspapers
- Medical & Pharmaceutical
- Office Supply / Stationery
- Packaging & Printed Products
- Tattoo & Body Piercing
- Produce, Floral, and Grocers
- Thrift Store & Resale Shops
- Seafood & Commercial Fishing
- Textile Manufacturing
At Rubber Band University you will learn everything there is to know about our favorite invention – the glorious Rubber Band. From rubber band sizes to the history of rubber – you’ll find it all here.

Alliance Rubber Company is a family-owned business with humble beginnings that has grown into a thriving American success story. Since 1923, Alliance Rubber has proudly produced rubber bands for use in the home and workplace. Continuing to manufacture its products in the USA, enables Alliance to provide high-quality products, fast service, and fresh stock that is built to last. Alliance Rubber, a women-owned company, manufactures bands that ‘Hold Your World Together.’