Did you know that you can repurpose, reuse, and reduce waste with rubber bands?
In addition to recycling, you can use your creative skills to protect the planet by repurposing and reusing items. In doing so, you can reduce the amount in our landfills, decrease manufacturing needs, conserve resources, and decrease harmful emissions. Do your part! In case you need some inspiration here are some helpful tips from around the web..
PRE-Cycle | Buy Products Without Plastic Packaging Materials or Those Made With Environmentally Preferred Materials (like..Rubber!)
Packaging has a huge impact and often doesn’t bring any benefit. As food for thought, consider: In the mid-1990s, Patagonia packaged long underwear with a cardboard insert and a plastic bag. By getting rid of the packaging and simply rolling the underwear and placing a rubber band around it, Patagonia avoided using 12 tons of material that probably would have ended up in landfills and saved $150,000 each year!
“As part of our Own the Game strategy, we aim to move to a comprehensive sustainable offering at scale. Our ambition is that 90% of our articles will be sustainable by 2025. We define articles as sustainable when they show environmental benefits versus conventional articles due to the materials used, meaning that they are – to a significant degree – made with environmentally preferred materials.”
Earth Day Crafts to Consider: (hint: you’re going to need some rubber bands)
Recycle Paper into a Wildflower Seed Bomb
One more extremely creative use of rubber bands for Earth Day: Stockton students construct over 100 air purifiers using household items